Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Anybody have pointers on how to read chapters of a textbook?

So I've always had problems reading chapters of a textbook because when I'm done i have no idea what i read because nothing stuck.

Does anybody have good pointers on how to learn and know the information of a textbook. I've done the highlighter thing (doesn't work!!) I've taken my own notes by hand writing it but it takes forever!! I've also tried it on the computer but it doesn't seem to work either.

any ideas or anything you've tried will help, I'm willing to try anything at this point!

thanks so much!Anybody have pointers on how to read chapters of a textbook?
Read slower perhaps. Sometimes I have to read a text a couple of times until it finally sinks in. You could also try reading out loud. I know that helps some people.

Try and look for the thesis and highlight what you think realllllly stands out. I know some ppl who just highlight everything and..well..that certainly defeats the purpose.Anybody have pointers on how to read chapters of a textbook?
Make a movie in your mind. If it's something like history that you're reading, as you read, then picture everything that the book is talking about as you read it. Add some funny things if you want, to help you remember. Add background music if you want! Pretending like it's a movie you watched might help you remember it better.

If it's something more boring, like science, try to at least make it like an educational video. Picture all the little atoms moving around and things fusing and whatnot. Make your favorite celebrity the narrator. Draw pictures as you read to help you remember how things work.

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