Saturday, February 18, 2012

What is the best textbook on evolution?

I went to Amazon to look for a good textbook, but I couldn't find one that addresses discussions of evo-devo and the importance in evolution of mechanisms such as mutations in regulatory regions of proteins, gene duplication and divergence, and the modularity of protein structure and how exon shuffling can instantly produce new proteins with new functions. These genetic mechanisms are much more important in evolution than mutations in the structural regions of proteins, which tend to be highly conserved even at the phylogenetic level. Any help in these specific areas is greatly appreciated.What is the best textbook on evolution?
It's not a textbook, but Sean Carroll's Endless Forms Most Beautiful is a great discussion of evo-devo and its importance.

The answer from zeal4him is particularly amusing given that the book that easi recommends, Richard Dawkins's The Greatest Show On Earth, specifically points out that Denton retracted his anti-evolution stance in his second book, Nature's Destiny, and that for some reason creationists never cite that one.What is the best textbook on evolution?
Its called The Greatest Show on Earth by Richard Dawkins.What is the best textbook on evolution?
Because evolution has no mechanisms. How about Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, by Michael Denton?

If it's not used as a textbook, it should be.
Try searching for evolution related keywords in the textbook search engine and see what comes up.

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