Thursday, February 9, 2012

Am i aloud to copy word for word if i have to outline a textbook chapter?

I am assigned to wright a chapter outline for my textbook. Is plagerizing aloud for outlining a textbook? Its counting as a grade, but its really just for our own notes to refer to. Im copying some phrases exactly how i see them cuz there is no other way to re-word it, but im putting most of it in my own words. Is this acceptable?Am i aloud to copy word for word if i have to outline a textbook chapter?
Well if it's gonna be marked; no (unless its maths and you're copying examples). But to be honest if it's for your notes you're probably better off creating good quality notes. After all they are for your own reference and your teacher has assigned you to do this for your own benefit.Am i aloud to copy word for word if i have to outline a textbook chapter?
yes, it is plagerizing. now, if you are taking notes, you should rephrase most of the sentences. and if it's an outline of your chapter, read the chapter and immediately right down what you remember and see if that's the main idea of the section and then continue.Am i aloud to copy word for word if i have to outline a textbook chapter?

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